Wednesday 10 December 2014

It could be worse...

As a good hopeless romantic that i am, i have read most Nicholas Sparks books but my favorite character ever is of course Noah from The Notebook, but not on that book , as you would expect, on its sequel The Wedding which is the story of Noah and Allie's daughter. Noah's son-in-law constantly asks him for advice because Noah is the king of romance and amazingness(not a word i know) and one thing caught my eye is whenever Noah is asked how he was doing he would reply ' i could be better, but i could be worse too' this coming from a man that had lost the one and only love of his life and lived in an empty house he made for her, is such a positive outlook on life that i decided to adopt it.
 At the end of the day, Sh#& happens! And most of the times is out of our control so we can either let whatever happens bring us down, or we can either rise from it and be better, become better.
 Some sucky things happened in my life lately and believe me they suck really bad! But no matter how bad you feel , there is always someone somewhere that has something worse going on, so lets all be thankful for the good things, and let go of the bad.
Tomorrow is a new day, lets make it a better one.
lots of love,

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