Tuesday 16 December 2014


2014 is almost done. Can you guys actually believe that?
Another year has passed and it's unbelieveable how much S#&t can go down in 365 days, break-ups, make-ups, happy times, not so great times, memories that will last a lifetime, it's truly a blessing to be able to live everyday to the fullest and even though life is this big gigantic mess that we haven't really figured out yet we still can appreciate we are all lucky to have what we do.
 New year is also the time where most empty promises are made in form of new year resolutions so i decided not to make any, and instead i am gonna start a new clean fresh book in which i will carry all that i have learnt in the past to make it a better book. So i guess i lied, i do have one resolution, for this new year to be awesome!
To a better year, and may we all become better along with it, and grow into better looking, better dressed people with even better hearts.

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