Tuesday 2 December 2014

Dream Guy

We all had/have 'the list'- a set o criteria in which one must fulfill to be our  'dream guy'.
Most of us grow out of it as we realize the ugly truth that no one is perfect and worse probably no one will ever meet every criteria so we settle for 50%, 75% or even 0%.
 So there is me, first year of university , in a whole new world in this complete new, strange environment. Through a society I got to know so many cool people, there was this really cute guy but nothing i paid too much attention to.
  When i realized i was  fully involved in this society and spending so much time with this guy that was actually very nice and filled more criteria than others. I shall enlighten you:
 - Nice eyes(check)
-  Nice hair (check)
-  Nice smile (check)
-  Strong arms (check)
-  Speaks spanish ( CHECK - this is a particular hard one)
-  Plays guitar ( check- this one just seals the deal really)
-  Good fashion sense (check)
 And these are just the physical criteria which are already hard to fullfil ( don't judge me, if i was gonna describe my dream guy i had to do it to perfection)
 But nothing was to worry , until the day, his birthday more specifically in which he got off his face drunk and started telling all my friends how much he really liked me  and then telling me about it and how he couldn't do or say anything more because he did not want t do it drunk, which i thought was very sweet, so i allowed myself to be excited about this guy that actually sounded quite unreal.
  My excitement didn't last long as he did not recall  the past evening and its happenings.
Long story short things got awkward and complicated , people got involved, when actually was nothing to be involved in. Being the girl that i am, i started thinking about this guy way too much, looking at his pictures too much and actually falling for this amazing and really, genuinely nice guy whom which i have so many things in common, that i never thought i would meet.
So here i am , 3 months after meeting this guy , falling for him , and getting mixed signals ALL THE TIME, i genuinely don't have a clue if he sees me that way or not  so i thought telling you people about it would help me decide what to do, well it didn't. Should i go for it and risk this new found 'friendship' or should i wait and let time dictate what happens?

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